Computational Linguistics and Consciousness Sciences Lab

负责人:徐炀 副教授 | PI: Yang Xu, Ph.D.
计算机科学与工程系 | CSE Department
南方科技大学 | Southern University of Science and Technology
邮箱 | Email: xuyang [at] sustech [dot] edu [dot] cn
地址 | Location: 523B 工学院南楼 (Engineering Building South)


We study the principles of the use, understanding, learning, and evolution of human languages at various time scales and in interaction with dynamic environments.
The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) brings unique opportunaties and motivation to study the human brain's cognitive functions behind language.


  • 语言模型(language models)
  • 统计模型(statistical models)
  • 深度神经网络(deep neural networks)
  • ...

  • 模型只是方法,是途径:“All models are wrong, but some are useful”(——Allen Newell);“道昭而不道”(——庄子)。

    We use research methods that are appropriate for all scientific problems. Computational methods are by far the most used:

    • Language models
    • Statistical models
    • Deep neural networks
    • ...

    • But models are just means, not the end. "All models are wrong, but some are useful" (Allen Newell); "The way that can be told is not the eternal way" (Zhuangzi, Google translated).

      实验室名字由来:“CL”即指目前比较成熟的学科“计算语言学”(computational linguistics);“CS”中的“C”借用自哲学和心理学领域的概念“意識”(consciousness),用以方便地指代我们的研究兴趣所涵盖的一些“大问题”:机器智能与人脑的区别是什么?人脑意识的本质是什么?机器是否具有意识?……

      Explanation of the lab name: "CL" refers to the relatively mature research field computational linguistics. The "C" in "CS" is the concept of consciousness borrowed from philosophy and psychology, which we use to conveniently refer to some of the "Big Questions" in AI: What distinguishes machine intelligence from the human brain's functions? What is the nature of human mind/consciousness? Do machines have self-consciousness? ...

      本实验室招收博士后、博士、硕士、本科生,欢迎有志于从事计算语言学、人工智能、认知科学、心理语言学等领域研究的同学加入。联系方式:发送你的简历至邮箱 xuyang [at] sustech [dot] edu [dot] cn

      We are actively recruiting self-motivated graduate and undergraduate students (post-docs as well). You are more than welcome to send your resume to xuyang [at] sustech [dot] edu [dot] cn
